Nature Republic is a korean skin care line which introduces products that use natural ingredients all around the world. Since many of Asian babes wonders about this skin care line I'm gonna do a review about one of their products which I began to use one week ago.
Nature Republic's Blemish Lab AC Control Essence, which I was told to use it as a moisturizer, costs around RM50 in Malaysia for 40ML. The packaging of it is quite classy since the tube is made of glass and purple in color (my new favourite color!) *love*
I couldn't read the korean description on the package but apparently this is recommended for trouble skin e.g acne-prone skin. The sales assistant assured me that this essence works fine on acne-prone skin and was formulated with natural ingredients (e.g. Ylang Ylang, Lavender, etc) so I decided to give it a try :) It also has a pleasant scent I was worried that it was artificial fragrance but once again the SA told me it was natural fragrance.
Back to the review of the actual product, I'm quite satisfied with this little bottle of essence. It leaves my skin soft, cool, hydrated and best of all it doesn't cause me any breakouts :) Extremely safe for acne-prone skin. Overall I rate it 4 stars out of 5 stars :D
In fact I'd been using Clinique Anti-Blemish moisturizer which had done a good job on my skin too but it was too pricey! Some US/UK skin care are always more expensive in Malaysia. This Nature Republic Essence can do the same job with half the price, so which one do you think it is more pocket-friendly?
ps: Recently I think that I should just stick back to Asian (Jap/Korea) skin care line (good quality one) since the Western skin care might not be suitable for Asia skin, furthermore Asian skin cares are much cheaper! What do ya think? :)